The Meaning of Singleness

A review of the book by Danielle Treweek, Intervarsity Press, 2023I was determined not to get married, and my friend, Braxton, agreed with me. Marriage would tie us down. Children would take away the freedom to live our lives however we wanted, which for us meant taking off on a whim to sail ... Continue reading

Our bodies, our souls

What does it mean to be human?In an earlier age, that question would have been answered with a conviction that we are a temporal manifestation of a spiritual reality, finding our beginning and end in a sovereign Creator who fashioned us and set us loose in the playground of his designs on ... Continue reading

Appearances can be deceiving

The ancients were afraid that if they went to the end of the earth, they would fall off and be consumed by dragons. But once we understand that Christianity is true to what is there, true to the ultimate environment — the infinite, personal God who is really there — then our minds are freed. We can ... Continue reading

Sinéad’s Theology

Theology is an attempt to create a place of peace in a time of war... I observe a lot of violence done in the name of theologies of various religions, but when you study the actual texts of those religions you find that they don't ... justify war or violence or anything really which is unloving of ... Continue reading