The demands of the cross

If anyone wants to follow in my footsteps, he must give up all right to himself, carry his cross every day and keep close behind me. — Luke 9:23, JB Phillips To endure the cross is not a tragedy; it is the suffering which is the fruit of an exclusive allegiance to Jesus Christ. When it comes, it is ... Continue reading

Recalibrating our lives

Pastor David Wayne, the Jollyblogger, has been writing about his colon cancer and the treatments he is undergoing. His cancer is quite advanced, having metastasized to his liver and lungs. He writes in his most recent post that he should know by the end of the month if his treatment is working. ... Continue reading

No going back

We are stardust, we are golden And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden — Joni Mitchell, Woodstock I hiked the Old Baldy trail in Madera Canyon last weekend, making it to Josephine Saddle at 7,080 feet before starting back down the longer and hotter Super Trail. The hike was about 6.5 ... Continue reading

Where have I been?

I am extremely grateful that people come here to read what I write. In fact, I'm usually quite astounded, because there is no shortage of reading material on the Internet, and there are a great many writers out there more talented than I am.My post about Faith in America went up after a 50-day ... Continue reading

We still need heroes

When the school bus crunched to a stop against the guardrail — tilted precariously, filled with smoke but miraculously safe on a fractured island of concrete — the panicked children began screaming. Some were hurt, all were terrified. They wanted what any of us would want in such a situation — ... Continue reading

Virginia Tech and suffering

Many of us are at a loss for words after the senseless wickedness of an angry young man killing 32 innocent students at Virginia Tech. There will be time for reflection and analysis later. For now, we should pray for the injured and the grieving.In the final hours of His life, Jesus gave this ... Continue reading

In times like these

And then the dispossessed were drawn west—from Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico; from Nevada and Arkansas, families, tribes, dusted out, tractored out. Car-loads, caravans, homeless and hungry; twenty thousand and fifty thousand and a hundred thousand and two hundred thousand. They streamed over ... Continue reading

Was God in New Orleans?

About this time Jesus was informed that Pilate had murdered some people from Galilee as they were sacrificing at the Temple in Jerusalem. "Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than other people from Galilee?" he asked. "Is that why they suffered? Not at all! And you will also perish ... Continue reading