Christmas will not come to Darfur this year. Catez of All Things 2 All is hosting the third collection of posts on the continuing story of genocide and despair in the Sudan. She describes Spotlight on Darfur 3 this way: In the Western world Christmas has become a time of glitz and tinsel, and also ... Continue reading
Silent voices
I read these items in the morning newspaper: A woman testified that she had been tortured by members of Saddam Hussein's regime, because they considered her an enemy of the state; A young mother is suspected of murdering her 3-month-old son by putting him inside a running clothes dryer; A couple has ... Continue reading
Spotlight on Darfur — 2
Catez of All Things 2 All originated the idea of a montly collection of posts highlighting the continuing suffering in the Sudan. The progress towards peace and justice has been too slow and too little, but what relief there is has come about because of the raised voices of people the world over. By ... Continue reading
Spotlight on Darfur
Catez Stevens at AllThings2All has decided to follow her recent posts on the crisis in the Sudan (The Darfur Collection) with a traveling exposition she is calling "Spotlight on Darfur." Her goal is to continue to shine light on the great need and suffering that continues in the Sudan. Here is what ... Continue reading
The global Samaritan
There was once a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes, beat him up, and went off leaving him half-dead. Luckily, a priest was on his way down the same road, but when he saw him he angled across to the other side. Then a Levite ... Continue reading
Voices crying in the wilderness
Imagine a military junta that has killed two million of its population of 32 million in the past two decades because of their skin colour and religion. Imagine a regime that has caused so much terror within its own borders that six million people are internally displaced. Is this a description of ... Continue reading
Oh, Africa!
Linea is a dentist who has spent a great deal of her "free" time in the Congo providing medical care and training. She goes because she can, and because she feels she must—God has given her a compassionate heart for the poor, and a vision that extends beyond the borders of her own country.The ... Continue reading