Off to Mexico

I'm off to Mexico for a week. Taking the red-eye this time, so I'll be sleep-deprived when I get there. And half-starved. And stiff from having my knees jammed against the seat in front of me for six hours. Poor me.It must be a sign of decadence to complain about being whisked from city to city ... Continue reading

Huddled masses

With Congress making progress on actual legislation, everyone seems to have an opinion on how to handle the problem of illegal immigration. I fall in the "fences: bad; guest-worker programs: good" side of this very hot debate.Some months back I wrote a series of three posts on the subject. In ... Continue reading


The aroma of charcoal-grilled pork wafts along the street and draws you towards the open front of the little restaurant long before you see it. The evening crowd has spilled out onto the sidewalk, families and couples crowded around white, plastic tables and wedged so close the waitress has ... Continue reading

Coming to America: A Christian response to illegal immigration, part 3

One in twenty American workers are in the US illegally. Adding wives, children and other family members, estimates for undocumented immigrants range between 9 and 11 million. More than half of those are Mexicans, and despite a trebling of spending on border security, the number of illegal border ... Continue reading

Coming to America: A Christian response to illegal immigration, part 2

One in twenty American workers are in the US illegally. Adding wives, children and other family members, estimates for undocumented immigrants range between 9 and 11 million. More than half of those are Mexicans, and despite a trebling of spending on border security, the number of illegal border ... Continue reading

Coming to America: A Christian response to illegal immigration, part 1

One in twenty American workers are in the US illegally. Adding wives, children and other family members, estimates for undocumented immigrants range between 9 and 11 million. More than half of those are Mexicans, and despite a trebling of spending on border security, the number of illegal border ... Continue reading

Comparison: United States and Mexico

United States MexicoConstitution 1789 1917Area 9.63 million sq km 1.97 million sq kmPopulation 295.7 million 106.2 millionLife expectancy 77.7 years 75.2 yearsInfant mortality rate 6.5 per 1000 20.9 per 1000Indigenous languages 162 291Indigenous ... Continue reading

The gas man cometh

I'm in Oaxaca, Mexico again for some meetings. I've been listening to the sounds of the city: buses, trucks, dogs barking, horns beeping.Most houses in urban Mexico use propane gas for cooking and heating water. This gas is supplied in portable tanks—when you run out, you exchange your empty ... Continue reading