Christmas encounters, Part 3

Dreams can be weird. If I'm not dreaming about running from one place to another, never knowing where I'm going or why, then I'm up against some frustrating situation where the problems are compounded faster than I can deal with them.To give you an example, I recently dreamt I had gone bowling. ... Continue reading

Christmas encounters, Part 2

In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph... "Don't be frightened, Mary," the angel told her, "for God has decided to bless you! You will become pregnant and ... Continue reading

Christmas encounters, Part 1

It was my first Christmas Eve in our new, suburban home, and I was worried. No fireplace. Santa was going to land on our roof, look around in puzzlement and dash away without leaving me a thing.My father assured me that Santa was a pretty clever guy and had learned ways to get into modern ... Continue reading

Spiritual narratives

Somewhere along the arc between birth and death, between creation and annihilation, each one of us figures out the meaning of life. Whether we're able to put it into words or not doesn't matter; the life we live out every day expresses more articulately than our words what we have come to believe in ... Continue reading

The unbearable lightness of redemption

I know what I did and I don't want forgiveness... I don't deserve it... I can't bring Abner Easley back like he's some stolen chicken; I certainly made sure of that 23 years ago. I don't believe in some god who's going to open his arms to me even if I did. ... Which is why for me, I know I'll never ... Continue reading

Easter people

There are many great posts around the blogosphere about Easter. Here is one from NT professor (Asbury Seminary) Ben Witherington, Rising to the Occasion: Easter Reflections. ... It has been said that Christians are by nature an Easter people, and certainly in all generations of the church belief in ... Continue reading

An Easter dialogue

I was late when I walked through the door. I spotted him after a quick scan of the little clutches of coffee drinkers, sitting alone at the back of the room. He'd seen me right away, of course, and lifted his head slightly in recognition.I purchased my drink and made my way to the table. He had ... Continue reading

Losing anxiety in a time of awe

For reasons I don't entirely understand this one day of the year seems to compress a lifetime of thoughts and feelings. There is this pressure — from where it comes I don't know — that the day must somehow be perfect, that it must recapture some lost ideal of what Christmas is supposed to be. The ... Continue reading