Naaman and pride

He would not grab the life ring offered him by a chum-soaked fisherman in a bunged up scow; if he must be rescued, he would wait to be helped aboard the lush, teak deck of a Scandinavian sloop, piloted by a sun-drenched blonde named Astrid. After all, even a drowning man has his pride. So he turned ... Continue reading

Deep-water arrogance

"Americans have a lot of faith that over the long run technology will solve everything..." — Andrew Kohut, Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, as quoted in The New York Times, May 28, 2010. The first warning that something was wrong came from a loud exhalation of methane gas escaping ... Continue reading


God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. — Matthew 5:5, NLT (Jesus speaking) Maybe you're puzzled like I am. You're in your Lazy-boy watching Hollywood's rich and famous gathered for yet another love fest. The announcer calls out the name of some budding young ... Continue reading