Spotlight on Darfur 3: Christmas edition

Christmas will not come to Darfur this year. Catez of All Things 2 All is hosting the third collection of posts on the continuing story of genocide and despair in the Sudan. She describes Spotlight on Darfur 3 this way: In the Western world Christmas has become a time of glitz and tinsel, and also ... Continue reading

Spotlight on Darfur — 2

Catez of All Things 2 All originated the idea of a montly collection of posts highlighting the continuing suffering in the Sudan. The progress towards peace and justice has been too slow and too little, but what relief there is has come about because of the raised voices of people the world over. By ... Continue reading

Waters of justice, waters of renewal

"We killed our people. The physical genocide was a reaction to spiritual genocide, spiritual emptiness," Emmanuel Kolini, the Anglican archbishop and Rwanda's most influential Protestant, told me as we talked at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Kigali. "Some people don't think sin is real. Rwanda is a ... Continue reading