There are many great posts around the blogosphere about Easter. Here is one from NT professor (Asbury Seminary) Ben Witherington, Rising to the Occasion: Easter Reflections. ... It has been said that Christians are by nature an Easter people, and certainly in all generations of the church belief in ... Continue reading
An Easter dialogue
I was late when I walked through the door. I spotted him after a quick scan of the little clutches of coffee drinkers, sitting alone at the back of the room. He'd seen me right away, of course, and lifted his head slightly in recognition.I purchased my drink and made my way to the table. He had ... Continue reading
A meditation on Easter week
A huge crowd of Passover visitors took palm branches and went down the road to meet [Jesus]. They shouted, "Praise God! Bless the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hail to the King of Israel!""The time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory. The truth is, a kernel of wheat must ... Continue reading
Cheating death
The disciple famously known as "Doubting Thomas" should probably be renamed "Rational Thomas," or maybe "My-momma- didn't-raise- no-fools" Thomas. When the other disciples report that Jesus is alive, Thomas thinks they've lost their marbles.If you read the Gospel account of the post-crucifixion ... Continue reading
A very Good Friday
They had hitched their wagons to a star, and now that star had become a flaming meteor, exploding over their heads and threatening to incinerate them all.Mere days earlier, this Jesus, this Rabbi who had dazzled the country with his miracles and the authority and wisdom in his teaching, had been ... Continue reading
On resurrection and rabbits
James Killeen was a man about to die. Like most people facing death, he wanted to live. He was a member of a small religious sect that believed God was about to work a miracle in response to their faith. And so, when James died in his bed, his wife and the other believers gathered around his body ... Continue reading