Inigo Montoya: “Who are you?”Westley: “No one of consequence.”Inigo Montoya: “I must know…”Westley: “Get used to disappointment.”During the sword fight in the movie The Princess BrideI live below the flight path of planes going to San Diego, Los Angeles, and Phoenix. Upon ... Continue reading
What do you expect?
A friend took a trip to visit some relatives with her son. Since they hadn’t seen her son in years, she went expecting them to have some curiosity about his family, his life, his plans.It never happened. They ate together, they laughed, they talked, but the relatives never once spoke of ... Continue reading
(Don’t) get used to disappointment
Inigo Montoya: Who are you? Westley: No one of consequence. Inigo Montoya: I must know. Westley: Get used to disappointment. —The Princess Bride In less than 10 hours from now, the Huygens probe will plunge into the atmosphere of Titan, one of Saturn's most interesting moons. Huygens has been ... Continue reading