Ok, so there are 50 bajillion Christian blogs out here in the blogosphere, and your coffee break is exactly ten minutes long. The boss says, sure, surf the net to your heart’s content, but in 10 minutes it’s back to the assembly line, bolting widgets to framwitzes until the lunch whistle. Where do you go? What are you gonna do?
You’re going to follow my advice and click on Best of the God Blogs, that’s what. The dedicated staffers at Best of the God Blogs are web-surfing maniacs. Day and night, night and day, they surf the Christian blogouniverse looking for the best of the best of the best, and every day, come rain or shine, they write about what they’ve discovered.
These people are true saints, burning out their retinas so you don’t have to. Best of the God Blogs. Memorize that link. And if you forget, just scan down the right column here on AnotherThink and click that blue and yellow Best of the God Blogs graphic. You’ll thank me and your boss will thank me.
Full disclosure: AnotherThink is sometimes featured on Best of the God Blogs, but I have received no remuneration for this post. I just wanted a chance to use the word “remuneration” somewhere.
Photo credit: National Park Service
Thanks Charlie! And if you would like some remuneration, just let me know- I’ll send you my worn-out retinas. keep up the good blog!