
strange-gods“That iPhone provides some of the comforts and a sense of security that religious faith provides,” said Robinson. “It promises to connect you to the world and to the transcendent. … Yet most people spend most of their time looking at the same five or six sites online — like Facebook — that primarily are about their own lives.

“They spend untold hours in this intimate ritual of touching those phones, clicking and clicking their way through their own interests, their own desires, their own lives. The emphasis ends up being on the ‘I,’ not the other.”

— Brett Robinson, author of “Appletopia: Media Technology and the Religious Imagination of Steve Jobs,” in an interview with Terry Mattingly.

As we connect to the world electronically and live our lives more and more through a lifeless, technological interface, have we become so engrossed in connecting with the mirage dancing on that little screen that we miss out on life itself?

Photo credit: Cover art from Elizabeth Scalia’s new book Strange Gods: Unmasking the Idols in Everyday Life.

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