Beauty and the beast

appleThe hype, still unproven, is that embryonic stem cells are nature’s miracle cure for everything from Parkinson’s disease to aging. Clinics around the world have seized the day by offering their clients expensive injections of stem cells, promising that these injections will reverse the aging process, increase your energy and stoke up your tired libido.

The stem cells are obtained from an abundant source: aborted babies, whose developing bodies are rich in stem cells, this according to an article in the August 7, 2006 issue of London’s The Daily Mail.

Clutching her Hermes holiday bag under her arm, Susan Barrington, a 52-year-old housewife from Buckinghamshire, can’t help smiling as she leaves the exclusive clinic in London’s Wimpole Street.
She has been given the final go-ahead to travel abroad for a cutting edge nonsurgical treatment that promises to make her look ten years younger.
She doesn’t care if the treatment is expensive, involves babies and is so controversial that it is not allowed to be performed in this country — among her well-heeled friends, this is the ultimate new elixir of youth.

At the “Institute for Regenerative Medicine” in the Barbados, “doctors” harvest the liver cells of aborted babies, ideally at 6 to 12 weeks of development. They inject these cells directly into their clients’ veins. The theory is that these stem cells will make their way through the blood stream and seek out the most damaged parts of the body, where they will generate new, healthy cells to replace the old.

“The results are incredible,” says Jenny, a clinic spokesperson. “You’ll feel and look different after a month because these cells help the body to regenerate itself. The effects last for approximately a year before it needs to be ‘topped up’.”

In Russia, where embryonic stem-cell research has been going on for decades, police investigations have discovered a black market for fetuses. According to The Daily Mail, “Here, poverty-stricken young women are paid 200 U.S. dollars to carry babies up to the optimum eight to 12-week period — thought to be best for harvesting stem cells. They are then sold on to cosmetic clinics.”

Ethicists have long warned that embryonic stem-cell research and human cloning will inevitably lead to a technology where babies are “farmed” and “harvested” for the organs and cells they can provide to adults. Clearly, that day has arrived.

Our enlightened culture has jettisoned its belief in the Christian concepts of the sanctity of human life and the promise of life after death. Fear of death has thrown us into a perpetual state of panic about illness and aging. That panic will drive us to cross any and every ethical line in order to stave off the end.

What pitiable creatures we have become.

Thanks to Kate Bluett at Signs of the Times


  1. This is terrible. Terrible.

  2. Where are the feminists screaming about the exploitation of young, poor women?

    These people are vampires, feeding off the lifeblood of the most innocent.

  3. I find this paying women to carry babies for harvest truly disgusting. It reminds me of sex trade, slavery, and harvesting of organs from living people (sometimes against their will and usually to their detriment). All of these things have been going on for quite some time. I disagree that ‘we’ have all of a sudden thrown off our Christian values. Some people are desperate, some are vain, and may people out there have no regard for life. Let me be probably the only one who does not believe in god (yet values life) post here that this deeply saddens me. There is a way and this is not it.

  4. Ignorance is bliss.

    As I read this and wish it to be erroneous, I’m reduced to a little girl crouched in a corner who believes if she closes her eyes and sticks her fingers in her ears and pretends she didn’t just see it, the monster really isn’t there after all.

    I. am. grieved.