Survival instinct

[Joe Eszterhas] plopped down on a curb and cried. Sobbed, even. And for the first time since he was a child, he prayed: "Please God, help me."Mr. Eszterhas was shocked by his own prayer."I couldn't believe I'd said it. I didn't know why I'd said it. I'd never said it before," he ... Continue reading

Deconstructing Woody

Woody Allen cuts his banana into seven slices each morning. Six slices, or eight, and something bad might happen. "I know it would be total coincidence if I didn't slice it into seven pieces, and my family were killed in a fire," he says. "I understand that there could be no correlation, but, you ... Continue reading

Are we alone?

We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us. — Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian playwright and poet As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord is thinking about me right now. You are ... Continue reading

Political psychosis

Oh my. Amy Sullivan, a Christian journalist of the Democratic persuasion, someone I normally find to be thoughtful and rational, has fallen deep into the magic mushrooms with her latest piece in Time Magazine, An Antichrist Obama in McCain Ad?The "story" is that some Democrat talking heads ... Continue reading

What are you worth?

$7.22 million — that's the value of the average, generic American, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. Not too shabby, I say, except that the agency has just cut its previous estimate, which used to be about $800,000 higher.Should I feel insulted?Maybe not. The EPA is ... Continue reading

Under the influence of radicalism

"Empire resurrected and unapologetic, war without end, an undefined enemy that's supposed to be a rallying point for a new kind of energized jingoistic patriotism, unprecedented and unapologetic military expansion, white supremacy changing its form, but essentially intact, attacks on women and ... Continue reading

Encouraging discouragement

Politics is fueled by discontent. In every election season, we Americans — the world's most prosperous and pampered people — take our complaints to the ballot box.It's the nature of a democratic community that our collective unhappiness drives us to build something better. Like the oyster ... Continue reading

It’s all in your head

It turns out that it's all in my head. The ringing in my ears, that is.For several years now, I've been hearing a persistent tone, 3,950 Hz to be precise, the highest B on a piano keyboard. Tinnitus is usually caused by damage to the ears from loud noises or music. Maybe I listened to Pink Floyd ... Continue reading