Pastor David Wayne, a blogging friend who writes at Jollyblogger, has been battling cancer. In his latest health update he reports on his recent CT scan. "The lesions in my liver and lungs show signs of growth. The growth isn't dramatic, not like they doubled in size or anything but they did show ... Continue reading
Recalibrating our lives
Pastor David Wayne, the Jollyblogger, has been writing about his colon cancer and the treatments he is undergoing. His cancer is quite advanced, having metastasized to his liver and lungs. He writes in his most recent post that he should know by the end of the month if his treatment is working. ... Continue reading
Pray for David Wayne
Pastor David Wayne, aka JollyBlogger, has informed his readers that he has colon cancer and asks for prayers for himself and his family. David leads a Presbyterian (PCA) church in Glen Burnie, Maryland.David is a smart and witty man who often tackles theological questions on his blog. David was ... Continue reading
Re-thinking Rachel Carson
A fundamental part of the Christian world view is that we live in a fallen world. This applies to the environment. Just as man is morally corrupt as a result of the fall, the environment is also corrupted. Just as man has the responsibility, before God to address moral corruption, he has the ... Continue reading
Huddled masses
With Congress making progress on actual legislation, everyone seems to have an opinion on how to handle the problem of illegal immigration. I fall in the "fences: bad; guest-worker programs: good" side of this very hot debate.Some months back I wrote a series of three posts on the subject. In ... Continue reading
Skipping Christmas?
Whenever Christmas falls on a Sunday, Protestant churches see a decline in attendence. Some mega-churchesWillow Creek, IL; Southland Christian Church, KY; Fellowship Church, TX, and others have decided to cancel their Christmas services due to lack of interest. David Wayne, the ... Continue reading