Pastor David Wayne, the Jollyblogger, has been writing about his colon cancer and the treatments he is undergoing. His cancer is quite advanced, having metastasized to his liver and lungs. He writes in his most recent post that he should know by the end of the month if his treatment is working. ... Continue reading
These are posts relating to things I have read on other blogs or websites.
Pray for David Wayne
Pastor David Wayne, aka JollyBlogger, has informed his readers that he has colon cancer and asks for prayers for himself and his family. David leads a Presbyterian (PCA) church in Glen Burnie, Maryland.David is a smart and witty man who often tackles theological questions on his blog. David was ... Continue reading
The myth of private vice
My blogging friend Ken Brown, writing at C. Orthodoxy, has been thinking a lot lately about how we use technology (specifically birth control, but the trend is wider than that) to try to mitigate the consequences of immoral behavior. The goal is to make that behavior (promiscuity, for instance) ... Continue reading
Kent Couch wanted to take a trip, see some sights, get out of town. So he did what most of us would do: he tied 160 helium balloons to his lawn chair and flew 230 miles to Idaho.He landed in a surprised farmer's field by shooting out balloons with a BB gun, after 10 hours aloft. "Originally, I ... Continue reading
It’s all in your head
It turns out that it's all in my head. The ringing in my ears, that is.For several years now, I've been hearing a persistent tone, 3,950 Hz to be precise, the highest B on a piano keyboard. Tinnitus is usually caused by damage to the ears from loud noises or music. Maybe I listened to Pink Floyd ... Continue reading
Mark Daniels on character and hope-shifting
I always look to Pastor Mark Daniels at Better Living for good thinking on a variety of subjects. Here are some things Mark blogged about this week.In "It's Character, Stupid", Mark offers an historian's perspective on what to look for in a presidential candidate: "I claim not to have ... Continue reading
Candidates speak out on waterboarding
As we approach the primaries, many voters are interested in the candidates' positions on the controversial subject of waterboarding. As a public service, I am providing the following quotations:Rudy Giuliani on waterboarding: I'm in the same position now that I was 12 years ago when I ran for ... Continue reading
Emmanuel in Iowa
The candidates are swarming in Iowa like flies on a dead carcass, "pressing the flesh," making speeches in school gymnasiums, holding impromptu press conferences in diners and donut shops. The Washington Post's Campaign Tracker uses Google Maps to pinpoint where your favorite politician is appearing ... Continue reading