Catez Stevens at AllThings2All has decided to follow her recent posts on the crisis in the Sudan (The Darfur Collection) with a traveling exposition she is calling “Spotlight on Darfur.” Her goal is to continue to shine light on the great need and suffering that continues in the Sudan. Here is what Catez has to say:
What I’d like to do is start a series called “Spotlight on Darfur”. This could be held around once a month and hosted by a different person each time. Spotlight on Darfur 1 will be hosted here, and posts are invited. Instead of going into the background and history of the Darfur crisis, which was covered in The Darfur Collection, these posts can be on any aspect of the current situation. All I ask is that they do not contain expletives (a wide range of ages read these posts).
Spotlight on Darfur 1 will be hosted here on Wednesday 1 September. Please send the following info for your post by 12.00pm EST Tuesday 31 August:
- The name of your blog
- The URL of your blog
- The title of your post
- The URL of your post
- A description of your post
I’d appreciate if you’d follow those guidelines. It makes it easier for me to have all that in your email. Email the information to: catez2003 ATT yahoo DOTT com
There is already someone who may be the host for Spotlight on Darfur 2, and if you are interested in hosting in the future please email me and let me know. Thanks!