Welcome Get Religion readers!

I awoke this morning to see that Terry Mattingly at Get Religion featured a comment I made on his blog. If you are here for the first time out of curiosity, welcome! I hope you’ll browse a bit and come back often.

My comment at Get Religion was about how the Democrats lost me as a voter over “moral values” issues, and how they might get me back if they were to take a less radical, more pragmatic and centrist approach to moral issues.

In mid-August, I wrote more extensively about why I no longer vote Democratic in an essay called The Politics of Power.

More recently, I wrote about the place of faith in the public square (and the attempts to secularize politics) in an essay called Getting Faith out of Politics.

I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, and in my blog I try to write about what it means to follow Jesus in this modern age. I’m especially interested in how faith and culture collide, and the effects of that collision.

Thanks for coming, and come back again soon.